Fluorescent colours have hit the stores hard recently and shops like H&M are definitely embracing this trend with a wide range of bold and beautiful colours on offer. Admittedly, I'm not the most daring of people when it comes to colour, although I have expanded my wardrobe colour palette quite considerably over the last six months having realised it was looking rather monochrome. However, one bold colour which I am coming to love is fluorescent yellow- Yes, I'm talking the lollypop lady, traffic officer kind. When I hit the much anticipated Zara Sale last week, a luminous yellow silk t-shirt called out to me from the Sale rail with its reduced label and slightly make-up stained collar- I just had to have it. This 'have to have it' feeling also came over me when I was in H&M on Monday having an innocent gander and I saw this fluorescent yellow blazer. I clearly have a type...
Zara (Sale item)
H&M £29.99
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