Tuesday, 9 August 2011

The London riots

It seems the 'mob' of rioters and looters who have been destroying businesses and livelihoods since Sunday night in London, may be coming to the Shepherd's bush area tonight. Whilst out doing some fashion exploring at the Westfield center for content for the blog, I immediately noticed the dozens of police all around the North and South terrace entrances to the countries biggest shopping center. I felt scared rather than reassured by their presence as it merely confirmed what I had been dreading for the past two nights- they were coming here. I live on a lovely suburban road in Shepherd's bush but I think everyone in this area has known since the rioting started, that if it was going to continue, it would inevitably come to Shepherd's bush; home of London's most notorious retail haven. However, thinking it was merely procautionary measures, I carried on into the center and walked around feeling calm and safe. It was not until I walked across the road ready for a session at my local fitness first gym that I began to worry. As I walked through the entrance doors I could see two members of staff, one clearly a manager, ushering people back towards the doors. I asked the man dressed in the suit, 'Can I not use the gym?' 'No, I'm sorry we are evacuating,' he replied in a rather panicked tone. I probed him further, 'have the police told you to evacuate? 'Yes,' he replied. So here I am sat at home, waiting and worrying that what I felt might be inevitable may happen tonight. We'll see- I'll keep you updated!

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