Wednesday, 17 August 2011

What I'm wearing today...

So today I may have an interview in the fashion department at new! magazine, (depending on whether they got my e-mail reply in time as I couldn't get back to them til after my shift at the pub in Kensington I work at), so I've made a bit of an effort today. My gorgeous new leopard print maxi skirt is from and I'm literally in love with it! My big turquoise ring is from Forever 21 as is my key/clock necklace which actually works and tells the time! My plain black vest is just one of those topshop 2 for £10 ones and my black belt is old from topshop too. Have a good day everyone!
black vest- topshop
maxi skirt-
turquoise ring- Forever 21
necklace-Forever 21

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